I was raised by a gardener and a wood carver; both lovers of nature. I was surrounded by the Appalachian mountains and was taught early on about the differences between perennials versus annuals and to respect and protect nature. I am a painter, a writer and am deeply curious and protective of the environment. I have an abiding love for all natural forms. These paintings consist of garden-escapes that aim to whisk the viewer away and into fanciful flights from everyday life. My paintings are a reflection of time as I dream of travel from my backyard.
This series of paintings emerged during the global pandemic. In my back yard nature seemed to slow down and become magnified more than ever before. My “garden-escapes” capture this slow revolution of time. The paintings offer delight through hidden gems waiting to be discovered in a space overlapping with light and ethereal layers. The imagery in this series uses distinct and navigable representation of objects found in nature combined with the mystical, unknowable, and ultimately freeing spaces that raise the spirit and offer an escape for the mind.