Ever wonder what it’s like to be in the same room with an artist as they create, brainstorm, fail, rethink and have a final breakthrough? What about an unheated basement amongst cinder block walls? Well…it’s not always pretty. For a behind the scenes look at my creation of “Greenville as ONE”, click on this link Behind the Scenes.
The book gives you a look into the days, weeks and months that went into the 6ft x 12ft final triptych piece. However, in the end, the final product is really all that matters…It went well. Installation successful (January 19th, 2013) and thankful to have had the opportunity to take this journey in the first place.
Here’s to many more large installations in my future!





(Channel 4 features the building, “ONE” on 1 Main Street)

(Channel 4 features the building, “ONE” on 1 Main Street)